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[BBC_Technology] Microsoft 'to replace journalists with robots'


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Microsoft 'to replace journalists with robots'

Dozens working on the MSN site look set to be replaced by AI, media reports say.


Microsoft 'to replace journalists with robots'
마이크로소프트 '로봇으로 기자를 대체할 것'

Microsoft is to replace dozens of contract journalists on its MSN website and use automated systems to select news stories, US and UK media report.


 * dozens of : 수십의, 많은

The curating for stories from news organisations and selection of headlines and pictures for the MSN site is currently done by journalists.


 * news organisation : 뉴스 보도 기관

Artificial intelligence will perform these news production tasks, sources told the Seattle Times.


 * artificial : 인공의, 인위적인, 거짓된, 꾸민
 * intelligence : 지능, 기밀, 정보, 지능적인

Microsoft said it was part of an evaluation of its business.


 * evaluation : 평가, 사정

The US tech giant said in a statement: "Like all companies, we evaluate our business on a regular basis.


 * statement : 성명, 진술, 서술, 진술서

 * on a regular basis : 정기적으로 ( = regularly)

This can result in increased investment in some places and, from time to time, redeployment in others.


 * investment : 투자, 투자액

 * redeployment : 이동, 이전


These decisions are not the result of the current pandemic."


 * current : 현재의, 지금의, 통용되는, 흐름

Microsoft, like some other tech companies, pays news organisations to use their content on its website.



But it employs journalists to decide which stories to display and how they are presented.



Around 50 contract news producers will lose their jobs at the end of June, the Seattle Times reports, but a team of full-time journalists will remain.


 * contract : 계약, 살인청부, 줄어들다, 수축하다

- Google funds automated news project


 * fund : 기금, 자금, 돈, 자금을 대다

"It's demoralising to think machines can replace us but there you go," one of those facing redundancy told the paper.


 * demoralize : 사기를 꺾다, 의기소침하게 만들다

 * redundancy : 정리 해고(lay-off), 불필요한 중복

Some sacked journalists warned that artificial intelligence may not be fully familar with strict editorial guidelines, and could end up letting through inappropriate stories.


 * sack : 파면(해고)하다, 약탈하다, 앗아가다

 * editorial : 편집의, 편집과 관련된

 * inappropriate : 부적절한, 부적합한

Twenty-seven of those losing their jobs are employed by the UK's PA Media, the Guardian reports.


One journalist quoted in the paper said: "I spend all my time reading about how automation and AI is going to take all our jobs - now it's taken mine."


 * quote : 인용하다, 전달하다, 들다

Microsoft is one of many tech companies experimenting with forms of so-called robot journalism to cut costs.


 * experiment : 실험, 실험을 하다

 * journalism : 저널리즘 (신문, 방송, 잡지를 위해 기사거리를 모으고 기사를 쓰는 일)

 * cut costs : 비용을 절감하다

Google is also investing in projects to understand how it might work.


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